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Nondelusional Illusions

A temporarily useful illusion, like Wall Street knows something about inevitable climate pathology disvalues of anthrosupremacism worth illusive core investment value is not necessarily a merely utilitarian delusion about timeless principles of value like human dignity and organic integrity and profoundly polycultural beauty. A temporarily useful illusion may have long economic and robustly deep political roots in universally integral allusions, round robust reflections, gut feelings, intuitions of past fruition regenerating win/wins and not degenerating LeftBrain Loser deductive logos and RightBrain Loser inductive merely threadbare mythos Languaged thoughts about useful things, like narrative knitted feelings from thriving co-relationships, derive from articulating threads in allusive indigenous wisdom Long felt panentheistically and/or enthymematically not not yet does not quite illuminate positively present Win/win round cosmic holonic, organic, systemic rememory of Yangfull Trust loves Yintegral Beauty Usefully refines, illustrates polyculturally win/win healthy democracy's peak wealth illusion, valleyed allusive delusion in-between implicit wisdom and explicit knowledge, empowerment and enlightenment Circling spiraling whole open systemic energy non-zero summoned cooperative illusive experiences non-zero summed energy systemic open whole spiraling encircling dismembered delusions.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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