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Nobody Notices Another Transient

I sense how flummoxed one becomes staring at the starless night while the rising fog drifts around the grotesque figures more terrifying than a wild, hungry dog... nobody notices another transient challenging fear and being too persistent! Walking through the grove of elms with an unfogged mind, I take slow footsteps not being frightened by the groans of a lonely wolf, a human can be more dangerous than an animal when he has lived in the remoteness to escape grief; I push forward being drenched by a sudden rainfall... nobody notices another transient with a zealous and intrepid spirit! Where's that path which leads to torturous Hell? That imagined Hades the Florentine poet described so well? Why was Dante driven by foolishness, vengeance, and folly? He despised the horrible deeds of his peers and confined them in the place of eternal fire, taking on a role which made his intolerance conspire; he begged God to make them suffer in agony, he could have felt compassion and stopped their screams... nobody noticed another transient enthralled by a vicious intent!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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