No Two Are Identical
One thing that strikes you when you’re out in nature…
(that, once you know it helps you to proclaim,)
is how, of all the wonders you are seeing…no two are ever the same.
They may share similarities…but it’s part of nature’s mystique
that everything she has created is individual and unique.
No two stars are identical…no two planets…
no two clouds that float upon the breeze…
no two flowers,…no two rivers,…no two mountains…no two trees.
The fact that no two of anything are identical…
once our eyes have been taught to see
is why we relish in their individual beauty and their overall diversity.
No two waves upon the ocean are identical…
no two fish…no two mammals…and let us not forget
no two apples…no two oranges…no two sunrises…no two sunsets.
The more you walk in nature…the more gratitude and love you’re feeling
knowing that amazing diversity is what makes our world so beautiful…
and our nature so appealing.
What strikes you when you walk among the people…also a part of nature
that once you see it helps you to proclaim….
of all the people you are seeing…no two people are the same.
This fact, instead of dividing us, should unite us…once our eyes are taught to see
we should relish in each one’s beauty…and our world’s diversity.
If only we’d take the time to understand nature’s people
I believe more gratitude and love we would be feeling…
knowing it is our amazing uniqueness that makes us all so beautiful
and our nature so appealing.
Copyright © Jim Yerman | Year Posted 2023
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