No Tresspassing
There is one thing I have noticed recently.
Some of you do not know the meaning of “private property”.
If you attempt to encroach upon my land,
I will just have to act and take a stand.
My team of pit bulls has been trained to attack.
They will maul you whether you are white or black.
Each one of them has a voracious appetite.
They are always hungry, and are not afraid to bite.
I am a very good marksman. That is what many people say.
I can shoot a flea off a dog from a thousand yards away.
You are never safe no matter what your position.
My gun is ready and I have plenty of ammunition.
However, if my dogs don’t get you and my aim is bad,
you will be in for a time that will really be sad.
The police will be here any time of night or day.
They will arrest you and haul your ass away.
You had better pull some lucky cards in your game of rummy.
The last thing I have to say is, “GOOD LUCK DUMMY”.
Copyright © Robert Pettit | Year Posted 2011
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