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No Tomorrows Without You

Given a choice of one day with you or an eternity without, I'd choose one day, no doubt. For what would an eternity be without the sun? An endless search for light and warmth; dark and cold; no love to hold. To live for ever with no rhyme or reason; wondering alone, kicking stones down lovers lane. A dismal existence without a song in my heart nor poem in my soul; empty inside; adrift with no tide. But to have one day of absolute bliss shared in your kiss, warmth of the sun in your arms, blue skies in your eyes, The soothing rhythm of a love song beating in my heart; poems flowing from within, content therein, would be worth all my tomorrows Of lonely sorrows.....

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 10/22/2015 12:13:00 PM
Beautiful Arlene. I'd make that choice too.
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Date: 10/22/2015 10:53:00 AM
HOW BEAUTIFUL! I love the line, "adrift with no tide." And what dismal life would be without a song in our heart, a poem in my soul, or for me...a paintbrush in my hand. I'm painting you a 7 and storing it in my favs. ~ Lin ~
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