No Smoking Day
Smoking at Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust
By Stanley Russell Harris
The new mad author
& A Poetry Soup honourable mentioned poet
Once I smoked like a trooper. As that’s what I did be.
Now I do not smoke. As now I’m out of the Army.
Of course, life has its problems. And I often get upset.
But I don’t need the comfort. Of a cancer packed cigarette.
Although I did stop smoking! Over thirty years ago.
When I was aged sixty-eight! Cancer in me did show.
Yesterday was my fifth CT scan. Tomorrow I see those in oncology.
Where I hope if they can, they will say, ‘your cancer has gone Stan.’
Was my cancer caused through smoking? Honestly I do not know!
That news really scared me to death.
So if a smoker and you want to pack it up.
Do so, and I wish you all the best of luck.
The above poem was inspired by today Wednesday 8th March 2017 being no smoking day. Plus of course Ipswich Hospital NHS trust are bringing in a ban of smoking on their premise
Copyright © Stanley Harris | Year Posted 2017
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