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No Room For Crybabies Pt3

Well...then, as I was chasing after my (lil) brother....(sobs) I noticed mom is crying, but even though it is hard for her. she managed to tell...granny the sad news. "That she has Ovary-Cancer, haven'd diagnoised while in NYC at this specialist clinic and all of her pertinent information has been forwarded to Shands Hospital here in Jackson- ville Fla._______and granny (who is *now* crying) SHOUTS-OUT." "Thank-You Lord, but mama still would need to have surgery and my two auntee's Brenda and San-san comes down from Newark (NJ) to be with her and she comes through her right. "Alll-ll..riggghh-htt & out of.....sight.." "All-right...&(well)... thankGodforMama(smile)..."

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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