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No More Tears

The world is a perplexing place So much beauty and so much evil all tied into one I started having fun when I was way too young I’ve walked down both sides of the tracks The adrenaline rush was like smoking crack Being naive and carefree I thought I was living the ideal life By the time I was fifteen I had experienced it all Sometimes I managed to pull myself up However temptation was too great, despite knowing the toll I felt like I had lost my soul I didn’t realize I was just being used and abused I used to think I was being cool, but now I realize I was surrounded by a bunch of dumb ass fools People I thought were my friends all did me wrong in the end I put my trust into the wrong hands and then one day reality struck I found myself stuck I learned the hard way I literally found myself fighting for my life and ended up being taught the strength The strength I had within myself all of these days I refuse to live in fear That’s when I decided to change my ways I was forced to grow up way to young My life had been like one disastrous play I took back control in every plausible way I could no longer kick and scream For I was done living in this catastrophic dream It was my fight to fight and it was all up to me There are no magic pills, no quick fixes Only I could choose to remain a victim I get upset if anyone takes pity, even though a few years were extremely gritty I found my inner strength on my own, even when the stress makes me feel like I am about to drown Like a erasing the scarlet letter I shall no longer where that frown I chose to let myself be free Knowing I am the only one who holds the key The key to unlock and release myself from the pain Now everyday is like a surprise I see the world through a fresh pair of eyes I take advantage of that as much as I can I try to look for the beauty and pureness everywhere I turn I would not let myself be tainted from the past Life passes by so fast Forget the scary things I have done, for in a moment you can be gone Take that leap of faith and wear a smile upon your face

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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