No More
It happens ....... behind closed doors,
It hardly ever happens in front of you,
One to scared to talk,
The other thinking they wont get caught,
Mentaly and physically abused,
Isolated from family and friends.
Being told "you've nowhere to go an no one to help you,
Dont listen because that's a fallacy,
Find the courage find the strength,
Call 999 reach out to a neighbour
There are places to go and people who will help you.
It's mostly women we hear about but men hardly ever,
This is probably through embarrassment they need help to,
I've read about those that dont survive,
Its inescapable more needs to be done,
If your been abused dont be a statistic be a survivor,
You need to get out be free live your life away from them.
Copyright © Tracy Mcfayden | Year Posted 2020
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