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No Greater Injustice

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No greater injustice than this: To condemn people to death, just for tender acts of love, While Rewarding others, for committing barbarous acts in war! * © Demetrios Trifiatis 06 April 2019 * Brunei is introducing new laws that make sex between men an offense punishable by stoning to death. Other countries that have similar laws are : Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan Mauritania and parts of Nigeria and Somalia according to BBC. There are currently 70 counties that criminalize same sex relations says ILGA!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 5/1/2019 9:33:00 AM
Dear Demetrios, your epigram is filled with truth and reality.. So heartfelt with emotion.. I relate and feel the same empathy towards this.. Sadly there is so much injustice, in this Society today.. Justice isn't served for the people who have been condemned and punished , committed no crimes.. Crimes against humanity with barbaric laws enforced.. Unfortunately, some countries practice these outrageously, dreadful, barbaric laws.. Have a blessed day, my friend..
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 5/1/2019 2:59:00 PM
Thank you for caring so much dearest, Robertina! God bless you!
Date: 4/11/2019 5:57:00 PM
It is a sad commentary on the human race. Thankfully people including you Demetrios are making their feelings known.
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 4/12/2019 7:26:00 AM
Thank you Richard for your precious comment! God bless you!
Date: 4/10/2019 7:42:00 PM
I have never fully understood why we humans are like that.
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 4/12/2019 7:27:00 AM
Because of ignorance my dearest friend, M.L.K.! Thank you so much!
Date: 4/10/2019 2:20:00 PM
Your words touched my heart and I share your empathic outrage my friend, Emile.
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 4/12/2019 7:28:00 AM
Happy you care that much my friend, Emile! We need good people like you!
Date: 4/10/2019 10:58:00 AM
Abominable indeed!
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 4/12/2019 7:29:00 AM
Thank you dearest, Sunita for caring! God bless you!
Date: 4/6/2019 2:15:00 PM
Straight to the point and well taken my friend.
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 4/6/2019 4:26:00 PM
Thank you dear Allen that you commented! This dark-ages approach is abominable! God bless you!
Date: 4/6/2019 1:25:00 PM
When will we learn what being given free will is really about? We always seem to choose the darker path instead of reaching for the light. Brilliant.
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 4/6/2019 4:24:00 PM
Thank you my dearest, MLK! No matter what our stand is , killing someone deserves humanity's condemnation! God bless you!
Date: 4/6/2019 7:50:00 AM
May the opposition to such laws be expressed in the form of writings like these and reach the law-makers!! May this be stopped even before it is passed. Bravo.
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 4/6/2019 11:17:00 AM
You are so right dearest, Swetha! Unfortunately people prefer to write about the weather and the sea and their animals , which are good subjects but about serious matters they avoid to write. In that way is like, wanting it or not, is like supporting those who pass laws like that! If we wish a better world we have to work for it not just observing what others do! God bless you for commenting, for caring, for loving your fellow people! God bless you!
Date: 4/6/2019 7:07:00 AM
Lovely flowers! I agree with the sentiments of your poem, my friend. FYI: I will be away for one week starting 4/7.
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Richard Lamoureux
Date: 4/11/2019 5:59:00 PM
Have a good trip Vijay.
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 4/6/2019 11:11:00 AM
Dearest, Vijay, thank you so much for commenting! Unfortunately people are afraid to comment by doing so though they support those who pass such laws. They do not wish to touch burning issues . Do they care? If they do where are they? Thank you for letting me know that you will be absent . I appreciate it!
Date: 4/6/2019 4:47:00 AM
You bring forth a very valid point, there is no greater injustice than to take the life of another, no matter the crime, no matter the cause. I wholeheartedly agree with Tom and Victor here, both have made very astute points, and as the Good Book says, let he who is without sin cast the first stone. A fave for my list dearest Demetrios....Maria xxx
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Na No
Date: 4/26/2019 6:48:00 PM
Since you're quoting the Bible, maybe you ought to review a bit. I do hope you read the entire book. (King James Version) Genesis 19:1-26 Leviticus 18:22 Leviticus 20:13 Romans 1:26-28 1 Corinthians 6:8-10 "He who is without sin..." is meant specifically as a caution against condemning people for sins you yourself are guilty of. If it is a blanket statement, nobody can ever be punished for anything - EVER. Christ came to lead sinners to REPENTANCE (to turn away from their sinful ways), not to give a universal permission slip to "do what thou wilt". The Western World has gone utterly mad in just a few short decades. I am not very old, and none of this nonsense was acceptable even when I was in my mid teens. And it was ILLEGAL up until about the 1970's. Everyone pretends they can't remember what life was like just 20-30 years ago. God will sort it out if we don't.
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 4/6/2019 5:20:00 AM
Yes, I understand that this is a thorny issue but we live in a world where we have to take a stand! No matter what our opinion is on homosexuality we can not agree with this barbaric law of stoning these fellow humans to death! It is unacceptable and inhuman! Thank you dearest, Maria for your visit and comment! I appreciate it!
Date: 4/6/2019 1:42:00 AM
I saw that in the news Demetrios and it beggars belief that some nations pass laws that belong in the dark ages. Who are we ( mankind ) that we can stone people to death, who is their god ?. As it says in the good book, let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Tom
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Na No
Date: 4/26/2019 7:17:00 PM
Who is -YOUR- god?!!??!?? (King James Version) Genesis 19:1-26 Leviticus 18:22 Leviticus 20:13 Romans 1:26-28 1 Corinthians 6:8-10 "He who is without sin..." is meant specifically as a caution against condemning people for sins you yourself are guilty of. If it is a blanket statement, nobody can ever be punished for anything - EVER. Christ came to lead sinners to REPENTANCE (to turn away from their sinful ways), not to give a universal permission slip to "do what thou wilt". The Western World has gone utterly mad in just a few short decades. I am not very old, and none of this nonsense was acceptable even when I was in my mid teens. And it was ILLEGAL up until about the 1970's. Everyone pretends they can't remember what life was like just 20-30 years ago. God will sort it out if we don't.
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 4/6/2019 2:56:00 AM
Yes, my friend, Tom it was written, it was showed on TV and has received a lot of negative criticm. This is my reaction to these laws. A poem that one who reads it comments on it. Thank you so much for your visit!

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