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No Destiny

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The human race is self sufficient! Why the need to kill, steal, why the trend? Why are folk starving, but most content? The affluent why can't they comprehend. Spread their wealth with good intent. Their lives, delusions, why pretend, will end! All that are able show empathy to the needy, Help the poor, the weak, do not be greedy. Nature left undisturbed and unpolluted The world would survive, do not refute it. All life sustains each other, nature knows The human race, guilty of most earth's woes! Have we time to put nature back together? Some scientists say “NO”! That's not clever! I’ve screamed, begged, shouted so, so loud. To individuals, groups, an unlistening crowd. What will it take to make the whole world see Our children's children no future, no destiny! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 3/17/2018 12:27:00 PM
There is a bleak future ahead for our offspring that's for sure. Powerful verse here.
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Mick Talbot
Date: 3/17/2018 2:31:00 PM
Scary, read my reply to Gregory. Many thanks for comment Gayle... Mick
Date: 3/8/2018 9:59:00 AM
I fear for my grandchildren, (and the human race as a whole), for there are so many signs that we are innately a self-destructive race, more intent on getting what we can NOW than on the world we might create for our progeny. I pray love and kindness (and common sense) will win out, but my gut tells me otherwise. Wonderfully thoughtful write, Mick.
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Mick Talbot
Date: 3/17/2018 2:29:00 PM
I just hope were not to late to have commonsense prevail! Why cant the governments of the world see it? The whole world population is going to be fighting for its life. Sod the cost, ban all non electrical civilian auto mobility, we will be amazed at just how quick the change to to atmosphere, and the production of all electric mobility will be. Go back to WWII munitions, war machines and anything else needed were belted out regardless. That was just for the country, now the whole world population should be fighting for their future. Not 5, 10, 20 years time, now. At present over 200 species of life go extinct every day, the implications of that is one species by numbers alone could wipe us all out. A good reason why governments panic over disease (especially new one's), epidemics going pandemic, we are truly in a mire. There so much more the general public should know about Gregory, and now...

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