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No Common Sense

You try to take advantage of me and son. And I refuse. How dare you to try to label me as a terrorist. You trying to take advantage of me and my son mentally, verbally, physically, emotionally, sexually, For fighting back & refused you try to label me as a terrorist. So I report the matter to the people above you. In return you dare try to make matters worse for complaining. It's bad enough what happened in 9/11was a horrible tragic. But I didn't realize child preditors, sex-offenders, sexual preditors was going to use that as an excuse towards people that have no interest towards them. You try to ruin my son education. While a malpractice freak in the other hand wrote lies and assume I wouldn't notice. Even though I am not an American I can read English very well. That miserable practioner is no psychic but a freak. You try to steal/claim every thing of mines &my son as yours. But you to Dum to realize every thing of mines & my son doesn't fit your greedy thief hands nor your personality as mines and my son. Nothing of mines will never be yours no matter how much you try to make it fit. Your just embarrassing your self so quit it. How many freaks do I have to continue to go through this with for this doesn't make any sense. I am among psychos and it's definitely not me.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 8/20/2018 5:39:00 PM
bravo for standing up to bullying - the real culprits want the attention diverted from selves. and the media is too cowardly but to obey. (soupmail)
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Jean-Baptiste Avatar
Nagella Jean-Baptiste
Date: 8/21/2018 10:16:00 AM
All my writing are based on true story things that I've been through and I am releasing my anger also because I noticed my son is been victimize by the same people that's been trying to ruin my life and future. Thanks.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry