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Nightly Sublimation

By Mark Raymond Miller © 1/04/2018 Brace into frail wisp sleep To own fear's blind belief Undertow foils sunrise break Through misty green storms Born of censor fatal shade Smother sands coil space Hidden present ready fogs Distant past regression Under sun drenched sky appears Matters born unspoken Covered infants alloy thrown Under trapped ice overture Sounds solvent stricture screams From children lost at sea

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 3/2/2018 11:17:00 PM
This bothers me deeply. I wonder how many others believe this kind of judgment? This is nothing less than Holocaust like. I can make that judgement, in fact I can teach World War Two History in any college. And this is accepted today? Wow! You know what's really strange? People of Islam faith of further along than the Christians-Way farther along. But you see that what character consist of -Courage, even under death. which what Group conformity is the true cross we bare!
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Date: 3/2/2018 11:08:00 PM
I know the Bible well. My father is a professor of The History of Religions. How many Christians would have given his life that three year old I barely knew but would not have hesitated a millisecond to trade mine for hers. My French Classic Literature Professor read an essay and was perplexed how I could know writings by Christ when they are extremely rare. I told him they are not his, but mine. He said you have Grace. Grace is not religious, it's spiritual. I know what I seek-" Dasien"
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Date: 3/2/2018 11:03:00 PM
I don't understand Anna. " Heartbreaking" Did you know I went to catechism until 11th grade was a month from confirmation? Did you confirm? I have a Priest in my family. I'm Polish and many of my ancestors fought for the Jewish people when no one else would, and my ancestors died for it. There is no way you can know what they did to me in that strict Roman Catholic environment, and I was a good boy. I have saved more lives than lost except a three year old little girl I would have died for.
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Date: 3/1/2018 7:18:00 PM
This is extremely heartbreaking. It is more heartbreaking to find that you are atheist. I hope that you will reconsider this. I too, love all people despite religion, race, sexual orientation. We are all just human. I’m sorry for the pain you have felt.
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Date: 2/24/2018 2:40:00 PM
Difficult to talk about this poem. I am Polish and have studied World War Two extensively. During the end the NAZI's transported many thousands of Jews out of Auschwitz. The Russians were over taking the Germans and had to improvise. They took a thousand souls to the nearby lake and shot all of them. Some however survived by swimming out into the icy water. I'm not Jewish, but am Polish and many of my ancestors perished beside them. I am an atheist, I love all people but despise religion.
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