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Neverthless, Angel of the Night

Her face was the oasis i needed to see the sands of time draining when i went to drink She was gone mirages of love filled me till i came upon the final dune on the horizon i found abundant seas of water turned foul with the sins of man yet i drank nevertheless filling me with the illusion of fulfillment only to be depleted tearing away pieces of my mind yet i drank nevertheless visions of an Angel graced me as i slept She was all too familiar and yet foreign the day brought pain wishing to see my angel so i drank nevertheless stumbling about the shoreline i drank it never filled my thirst always fleeting meaningless gulps graced my throat smoke billowing from my lungs i drank nevertheless the Angel returned in moments of passing time tortured me with temptations of Her love in the night i drank nevertheless sins corrupting my body as logs bearing mites corroding, fragile segments fell away in my trails i could see her coming the Angel She fled as our eyes met leading me from the water i tried to follow i tried to chase nevertheless all for waste i drank from the water telling myself i didn’t need Her Her beauty welded to my eyes i couldn't leave the shore as my feet were stuck in shallow sands of sinking with no rope to reach for no help coming nevertheless i extended my cupped hand to the now red sea of tempt and drank She stopped visiting in my dreams the songs of Her voice abandoned my ears alone in despair i drank nevertheless the water like a drug i was now dependent Life was not the same without this nectar of satan it ripped out my insides nevertheless with no stomach to bare it i drank gulps so large the sea depleted feet at a time out of reach the water receded only kissing the tips of my finger with the presence of a full moon so i suckled my fingers as a babe nevertheless till my days fled like the sea abandoned by the pleasure of sin all my mind came to was the Angel and nevertheless She was gone.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 1/21/2019 5:29:00 AM
An Excellent free verse, Ian.. Bittersweet!! Many blessings..
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