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Never Took

Never took illegal drugs but now I am loaded with prescriptions Did eat a mountain of sugary sweets and gulped an ocean of soda Never used tobacco or liked the smell and taste of alcohol Don't know if my body as any wear for worse, lungs strong. Diabetes and high blood pressure keep me humble Kidney failure because of some prescriptions Good doc helped me get off those my kidneys good again Thank God for that, miracles still happen each and every day People just don't see what they see. Lost two toes from diabetes, stubborn ulcer on left foot Foot brace weighs me down, wear size sixteen shoe Nine E wide for that brace. Won't be high kicking in a chorus line People open doors for me, no pitchforks and torches yet Goodness still there. Arthritis the pain that greets you every day. Gout nasty pain. Specialist doc prescribe drug that ends swelling, hands are normal again. God works through people, He bless us with those of knowledge and ability to help us heal. Grateful to God and those he blessed that make our life livable day by day. Got three dogs in my old age, two little fellows are seventeen now Every morning two little miracles greet me. They do pretty good Kublia walks like me and Genghis has his own prescriptions. Sassy my big baby two year old. Was she too young for me to adopt Was Sassy selfish on my part? Who rescued who? Now I see tomorrow. Funny how the Bible never liked dogs, If we were still adding new books would that have changed. Never took illegal drugs, just lived life's flow of ups and downs. That great roller coaster ride of arm stretching hand waving loud screaming highs to that big dropping dip with butterflies dancing in your stomach lows. I need a candy bar and root beer float.

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