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Neroli Aldehyde Osmanthus

she sought love and romance he wished for things less complicated she wished it was as romantic as love would allow a relationship to be her confideince lacked understanding she wanted, and needed the same as he did: yet their path to being satisfied, were completely different.. Cladities " the Magnificent", asking Zeus to allow the world to see those he knew to have a day, a festival before those who admired them, that they might hear music, and drink wine and be at awe in the festival of championship glory, even those who wish to be entertainers might take part of the festival of science, in the glory of Sceince. Zeus he, spoke than he wished these men gone, and claimed the idea for himself to teach Cladities, to write his request instead of pray them. In response Cladities found great strength from his anger, and the "Evils of Men", made him unhappy with Zeus so Cladities allied himself with all who opposed Zeus, and named himself god, and made festival before those who were against what Zeus stood for. Aldehyde, and Guaguanco shall seduce Zeus he shall take person with his Harlot, she shall whisper words against his own people, as he then shall ally with those he finds are allied to him, they are us, we shall stand with Zeus and when we have gained his trust, we shall destroy him! The gems from the quarry shall be placed before him, in the bottom of the box which holds the gems, shall be the gem called kryptonite: Zeus shall be no more, I shall be God of the Planet Befoium Twelve, I shall rule to make these people the greatest in the Ricanplu Galaxy! !" From the story, Brusear, a story of superman, traveling thru time, and becoming the emperor of Zeus, who's feared as a God ! copyrights " Screenplay by Osmanthus Neroli, of Leed Leeks of Crete. Orginally written by Oscar Delgrin. Music by "Whore-Gruntez Beneath Me: Wife-Grinds on Top" Delgrin Music Company. part of "Ole Time Gospel Music Group, Tennesses, USA

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 11/26/2018 1:47:00 PM
superlover! yeah!
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