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Neat and Tidy

Rows of green spaces in a row Trying to control natures flow, all things wild have to conform, To fit in with accepted norm. Cut down trees they block out the sun, Trim the lawn curtailing fun, Chemical additives help it grow, nature needs no help why dont you know. Habitats destroyed no foxes homes, Cleverer than us able to adapt, Complaining about sea birds nesting in towns, High rising buildings to them are cliffs. Move to the countryside escaping the hub, but whats this church bells ringing destroying the quiet, smells of animals permeate the air no use at all, Silage it is makes the crops grow and flourish. When all is sanitised what then will we eat? Grass will be gone under synthetic sheets, Animals left untouched like sacred cows, die first before eating meat. Everyone telling us this and that and how to live While barricaded in their castles with moats, Im all right you should be too earn your corn, like i had to do using a poor mans strength. In a church somewhere gather the well to do, shaping a god into their own corrupt image, We be blessed beyond measure and rule the land, But thats not what was promised by his mighty hand.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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