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Naught Is All

Today I learned that all is naught, and naught is all.. I have been seeking, unconsciously, unaware, Only to learn that all that I ever wanted to be was a seeker, Out ward lies but a pale reflection of the magnificent kingdoms that reside within, And here I was seeking scraps amongst the ruins that the fake outside threw at me, While the bounty lies untouched, getting duskier, murkier, and fading to be lost forever, without a trace, With millions of padlocks of ignorant births vying to seal it shut, before my very eyes while I watched impassively mesmerized by the play, how miserably blind have I been and how deaf, To the truth hidden in plain sight, and the song of truth hidden in the silence. How badly I have missed the pacific embrace of my maker, the liberating, exhilarating, peaceful. Yes I have always had a feeling of being watched by a million eyes, which is spied through the corners of my own, and heard hushed muffled cries felt warm tears being shed every time I fell. How many bewildering disguises exclusively designed to fool me? What a fool I have been to think I was a nobody, when there is somebody as badly in need of me, as badly as I am in need of he. He who cast me out of my perfectitude, into the microcosm of infinitesimallity . Only to quietly but surely blow me back the way from whence I came, Like a dry leaf moves so mildly in a breeze as though on its own accord. His disguises fast wear thin as I see him in all, I shall catch him soon.. For him, I have long sought, he who taught me, Naught is all and all is naught.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 10/11/2013 2:03:00 PM
Sublime freeverse muse! Great poetic reflections! Pls do coment my latest poem too
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Date: 7/19/2013 8:48:00 PM
Aseem, a great flow... deep... LINDA
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Aseem Desai
Date: 7/19/2013 10:37:00 PM
thank you so much
Date: 7/18/2013 9:33:00 AM
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Date: 7/12/2013 4:18:00 PM
Exceptional piece of writing. Well done and a belated welcome to the soup. I have a feeling you will fit right in.
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Aseem Desai
Date: 7/13/2013 1:17:00 AM
Thanks a lot,

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry