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Natures Defensive Ryhme

Limping towards the hall, why cant you see its falling down the hole? O you need to know, know that there is nothing to know., Only you and your delusional thoughts, think this, thought that, what is going to happen to the rat?, what rat?. You the rat who is polluting all what was given as a gift, more you want, less you give, less you get, cant you see you are drowning in your own growls., Growls being produced from your nasty vowels, vows of torture, vows of destruction., O you puny silly human, cant you see you are polluting your own family tree? lost in filth you are, filth coming out of your nasty mouth, slime infecting natures rhyme, thus Nature sweeping you away with the might of its rite., How dare you go against natures eyes? cant you see we are the context of within its eyes? O how soulless you are, You cant even recognize that you have wrecked your own tree!.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 8/4/2011 9:06:00 AM
thanks all, very kind from both of you, means alot to me, We all could be teachers & students to each other on different levels if we share expressionism and be the one sequence we truly had to be.
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Date: 8/4/2011 9:02:00 AM
A warm welcome to PoetrySoup I offer to you Kurt. I wish for you the best in your writing endeavors whatever they may be. May you find inspiration by reading some of the poetry written here by other poets. Read and comment on their's and they will return in kind. May the sun shine on you that you might find great joy in your life. Love and blessing always, Carol
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Date: 8/4/2011 6:21:00 AM
excellent write, on the follies of man, good message, good poetry
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