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Nature Calls

Nature calls and I don't mean coyotes Got a panicky feeling down to my toe-sies Till the next rest stop to hold it I'll try Got everything crossed including my eyes Don't ask me questions, can't answer right now Really must concentrate, there's sweat on my brow Please dear wifey can you drive a little faster Don't mean to bug you but it'll avoid a disaster Stop! Stop! There's construction up ahead Maybe they'll allow me to use their shed Look at those guys they're laughing at me Can no longer wait, going behind this tree Ahhhhh! Finally at last, I'm at heaven's door Next time I'll make sure I go pee-pee before ©Jack Ellison 2012

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 9/18/2020 11:40:00 PM
I think we've all been there at least once. Love how you can put these funny scenarios into fun rhyming words. Always, Laura
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Jack Ellison
Date: 9/19/2020 1:14:00 PM
Everyone knows what that means... it's universal! LOL Thank you sweet Laura! XOX
Date: 12/15/2012 11:24:00 AM
Brings back lots of memories. I was worse than the kids. I took them to drive thru the Christmas lights and scenes. One year there was a 2-3 hour wait to see them. The kids were jumping out of the cars and no one cared(They were in the same boat). But I was miserable! I'll remember that year for all the wrong reasons... My son doesn't remember that year at all! LOL
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Jack Ellison
Date: 12/15/2012 2:36:00 PM
I guess it's a little more difficult for a lady to go behind a tree eh! LOL Ahhh memories! Hugs and much love, Jackers xox
Date: 12/15/2012 10:12:00 AM
Ha ha, this is a very funny one my friend! I know how it feels to be in that position, I've been there before! And I have used a tree too! I really enjoyed reading this fascinating and wondrous poem this afternoon! What a grandiose piece, Great Work!!
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Jack Ellison
Date: 12/15/2012 2:43:00 PM
Guess we've all been there eh! Trees are okay for us guys but not very lady like for the fairer sex! LOL
Date: 12/15/2012 9:52:00 AM
Lol, you have to go when you have to go. At least you made it. Don't want an accident :). Funny write, Jack. I guess the next time you'd be prepare :))
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Jack Ellison
Date: 12/15/2012 2:40:00 PM
"I guess the next time you'd be prepared" You would think but sometimes on long trips, the rest stops SEEM like 50 miles in between! LOL
Date: 12/15/2012 8:38:00 AM
at least you guys have it a bit easier than we do! your wife wouldn't be too comfortable going behind that tree! funny poem, though...
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Jack Ellison
Date: 12/15/2012 2:38:00 PM
That is for certain! LOL Ahhh a poem about bodily functions... guaranteed a success, everybody can relate! Love, Jack

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