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Nattering Nabobs of Negativism

(Spiro T. Agnew Looks In A Mirror) Tea party’s lasting epitaph The “walking dead” today Reactionary to the core, At home, at work, at play, All Muslims truly terrorists Might strike next in my town, Why try to hide your racist heart Just greet them with a frown No stranger ever gain our trust, They might have ill intent Sweet Liberty’s scrap turned to rust And brother love long spent! Let’s do what we accuse them of Paint Muslims with one brush As Donald roasts the temple’s dove On fires stoked by Rush. Conservatism blown to hell By rabid dogs of fear, Hyena’s on self-righteous right With blood from ear to ear True monsters feeding on their own With public left aghast, Like mongrels fighting for a bone, All manners in the past. How many millions do they need, The middle class striped bare The one percent caught up in greed, Like deer in headlight’s glare! Oh how can I unravel rhyme Or trump the devil’s curse The perils of a warming clime Though Hell’s fire would be worse. Republicans can only “No” Have lost their faith in “Yes.” The only compromise they know Is one they won’t confess. For death to them is Left not Right, Though they still have two hands But those who want to be their friend Must yield to their demands. For Satan’s taught the Right to fear, For flesh and not for soul, What’s safe is maximizing wealth, Your health is not their goal. Like bobbleheads they ply their craft This world is just a frame, And all they really care about Is who is left to blame! Brian Johnston December 10, 2015

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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