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Native Words

By: George P. Lumayag An online dashboard of hypertexts conquers attention Through viewing, pressing letters, Clicking hypertexts and laughing, Like fish gill tenderly pumping Then shouting when logging-in And dreaming to code in the World Wide Web Such life of crafting an interactive website. In coding the dancing marquee texts Should portray the spotlight of love Using a computer or cell phones In broadcasting ubiquitous opinions. Dreaming to learn the style of John Milton; The Miltonic rhymes and his poetical lines, Those sound great with prolific verses. Well, simple words you should learn With characters and imagery on flight The just or with soulful right. Learn the lines and rethink of your words, Or be well-versed to your native tongue, Or be fruitful and meticulous to your native words.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 1/28/2021 10:42:00 AM
ah...nativ-ety words...once, wrongfully writes wrest rightful rite-writing......stan sand
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Sand Blown
Date: 2/9/2021 2:00:00 PM
...forgive my excess 'resonating'....was experimenting with phrasing and re-phrasing of sound....the inuit of northern canada practice an interesting 'speech rhyme' poetry form of conversational's called throat singing....stan sand

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