Mystery In Black and White
amphibrachic verse
It looks like a kiwi
No, kiwis are fuzzy.
Then maybe a lemon?
or lime? I'm obsessed.
Am I getting closer?
Misshapened? an orange?
A colorless photo,
confusing at best.
The white seems so hazy
while black’s overriding
and grays run together,
an image in stress.
The point of this quand’ry -
I’m missing my colors,
the clues that enlighten
my eyes to the quest.
written and posted first here at Poetry Soup - 5 Mar 2015
by Reason A. Poteet
for Giorgio's Black and White Photography contest
This is my first try at using amphibrachic dimeter.
The amphibrach is a metrical foot of three syllables with the stress on the second syllable, or one long syllable between two short syllables, da DUM da
Copyright © Reason A. Poteet | Year Posted 2015
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