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My Yearning

Wear my yearning As if it were your favorite perfume Wear it As if it were your watch Or even your favorite crystal Wear it As if it were your favorite underwear Or your lucky charm Or even your favorite shoes Just wear it And let it widen your smile And soften your eyes And make your heart dance Why, Let it create ripples in your sleepy ocean And bid mermaids to cajole us While we only care to sit and contemplate Let it paint your seas And lift up waves, raging and wild Able to drown out the whole cosmos! Let it fire up your sparks And bid you to consume of it As would starving wolves Having met with their prey After having spent months in drylands! Wear my yearning, Muse, Wear it And let us both rejoice of it As its energy flows between the instruments That have now become our bodies!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 7/5/2021 7:26:00 PM
Wonderful Writing. Congratulations!
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