My Wife's a Witch
My wife's a witch,
Oh yes - it's true -
But she looks GOOD without a stitch;
As well in black, or peacock blue.
My wife is like the breath of May,
That sweeps the winter from the skies.
She holds my heart at the death of day,
Lights the dark with sparkling eyes.
My wife is warm as summer's sun,
Softer than the housecat's purr.
Her spirit's clear as a tale well spun,
Her heart and mind do well concur.
My wife is cool as autumn's air,
Brilliant as it's changing leaves.
No landscape strikes my eye more fair,
Nor thrills me like the love she weaves.
My wife holds winter's gray in her hair,
A Lady strong, in perfect Prime.
She warms my bed as the trees go bare,
And soothes with Grace the drift of Time.
And so...
My wife's a witch,
I'm proud to say -
The spell she's cast has made me rich,
Enough to give my heart away.
Copyright © William Masonis | Year Posted 2008
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