My Vineyard (Epulaeryu)
Let the poor in my vineyard
Gleaning and eating
Even strangers I attest
Come to the harvest
Sweet grapes for the souls
Behold thy
© Joseph, 1/3/08
© All Rights Reserved
This religious Epulaeryu is based on Leviticus 19:10 and Deuteronomy 23:24.
The “Epulaeryu” poem is about delicious food and drinks. It consists of seven
lines with thirty-three syllables. The first line has seven syllables, the second line
five, the third line seven, the fourth line five, the fifth line five, the sixth line three,
and the seventh line has only one syllable which ends with an exclamation mark.
Each line has one thought relating to the main course. The Epulaeryu poetic form
syllable count is 7/5/7/5/5/3/1. It has corresponding lines built around the main
course, and concludes with the ending line expressing the writer’s excitement
and feelings about the meal. The Epulaeryu poetic form was invented by Joseph
Copyright © Joseph Spence Sr | Year Posted 2008
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