My two sons will always be part of my life
I had always watched them with that special drive
When your kids were born, I looked into your eyes
And not once but twice I won that special prize
I always knew you two boys would grow up to be great men
My two sons show the world what our family represents
In your life, you will make mistakes
And in the end, I know you will tackle anything you face
The work ethic that you do with so much pride
You never had your family life or work collide
There is no doubt you will always succeed
In life, there are no guarantees, but in my mind, you will always exceed
I will always be there if you need something
Call me if you just want to talk, or if you are struggling
Because every day I will tell the world how proud I am to say
You are my two sons
Copyright © Tony Speranza | Year Posted 2024
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