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My Tool Box

In 2016 when I bought my town house, one of my first visitor's was my ex-spouse. He wanted me prepared for life's breaks and knocks, so he gifted me my very first tool box.. I never acquired these skills in our long marriage he was the fixer, and I never felt disparaged. A hammer comes in handy and pliers too, but what is a lever supposed to do? I own an "adjust and flow aerator", which I'm not using now and never will later. There's a pair of clippers way too sharp for my hair. If I need some snippers there are beauty shops here.. If I'm suddenly threatened and fearful of my life, I'll pull out my non-functioning exacta knife. He also included a package of white grease, which came with cautions, does he want me deceased? Some tools now sit idle in there neat canvas case as I'll always hire a handyman when needed at my place.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 9/27/2023 9:25:00 AM
Love the humour in this poem Nancy! Sounds like you still have a nice relationship with your ex! Debx
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Date: 9/27/2023 7:38:00 AM
- A toolbox is good to have, Nancy... maybe he didn't want to come help you... :) - hugs
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Nancy Kaufman
Date: 9/27/2023 8:19:00 AM
Originally I lived in WV and he was in Pa. Now we are both in Pa., and he is still "my fixer". LOL

Book: Reflection on the Important Things