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My Take on the Mixed Poetry Contest

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Poetic Form: Free Verse
Inspired: 2024 March 03
Image: N/A

If you could look into your future and choose one day to see what would happen, what day would that be and why... I pick tomorrow. I wake up, have my coffee, sugar, and cream, then read emails, and messages, open up poetrysoup and read poems, and comments, then write comments, and poems or go shopping, pick up meds, post office get mail, eat out, doctors, labs, x-rays, physical & occupational therapy visits, and those unexpected visits like a salesman. Then there's the neighbor, a longtime friend, and of course the, few and far in-between family visits. There are also some sports events or an interesting movie on the TV. Then, that routine that I've accustomed myself to -- suddenly stopped, and the probability it would most likely concern a medical issue. Given my present conditions, what would the question being asked of me for an answer. I fear that the aforementioned routine will come to a catastrophic and prolonged medical end. If not The End...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 3/3/2024 1:24:00 PM
Upon perusing your prose, I found myself disheartened by the tale, despite possessing a modicum of understanding albeit not to this extent. Dear William, the concept of time appears futile, for we are destined to succumb to the inescapable fate of mortality. Yet, while we are bestowed with life, we should bravely combat all forces of malevolence, affliction, and those who seek to hinder us. With resolute conviction, I am unequivocally certain that victory shall be yours. My prayers go your way
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Hilo Poet
Date: 3/3/2024 5:33:00 PM
It's just over a year now and it tilts more doctorly than coffee, not liking the replacement of, "Your test doesn't look good" "We'll do another...", ugh. Lasaad. Don't worry about me as I'm the final link to the past, as my family, along with my nieces and my nephews fly in and out of Hawaii and visit the family cemetery,
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Hilo Poet
Date: 3/3/2024 5:32:00 PM
wanting me to live with them--I'm the last, I got to take care of them. Life is still with me--not to worry, my friend. Aloha, William
Date: 3/3/2024 11:28:00 AM
This so sad Hilo. I say if tomorrow is what you pick for your day, as they say who knows you can still find a silver lining somehow. Cheers!
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Hilo Poet
Date: 3/3/2024 12:05:00 PM
I appreciate the Cheers, Josefina, (name of my former--she passed--mother-in-law). My point being, time is pointless as we're born to die, the inevitable. Walt Disney said that there's no such thing as happily ever after. I'm just saying--tho' still enjoying coffee, and this, POETRYSOUP, Aloha, William

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry