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My Stalker and Domestic Abuser

Intimidation traumatized by fear my ex husband a copy cat arsonist had begun a strange sorted affair I would say leading up to this very dreary day two abusive husbands both working for the same arsonist decades later leaving nine victims in their wake Christmas day 1984 finally memorial day 1998 victim nine perished my copy ex husband involved and was now being blackmailed I experienced home invasions by this female stalker envious of my life I wrote children books to my children I also wrote poetry I'd finally found peace to write until thee unknown desperate for answers I contacted the FBI because I wore wires pregnant for the FBI for years to save my life and my children lives the FBI warned me my husband was working for an arsonist where eight persons perished so I agreed totally unaware how these entities would gather decades later the arsonist blackmailing my ex both dating my stalker after several attempts on my life I realized they were actually trying to end my life in order for this stalker to become me after death resulting in a car bomb blast crippling me while I lay bleeding these three began embezzling funds from my account the stalker impersonating me investing with this arsonist I fear for my safety but I had to still testify in a murder meant for me the man who died was hired to end my life the stalker my ex the arsonist sent hitmen to end my life such strife the gunman was immediately killed at my feet my children and I suffered greatly as attorney General Charlie Crist helped my family relocated I was sick in shock afraid for my safety when the stalker called my ex demanded more funds from my bank I had awakened from my coma lots of therapy writing poetry at night for coping healing brain exercises that's when my ex the copy cat arsonist of victim nine struck attacking his entire family Christmas day the exact time as the fire broke out in 1984 the stalker sat with the arsonist demanding he get rid of me I'd already survived several attempts finally he twisted my arm trying to break it the children screamed I fled for my life it's amazing decades passed the stalker returned what could she want now she's still completely obsessed with my poetry my life hence my death by gods grace I've remarried to a wonderful war hero I am free and safe from the stalker and my batterer thanks to domestic violence shelters outreach therapy support my church family the sheer notion of envy hatred extremely carried that they would end my life and try and impersonate my identity with identity fraud in three hospital systems I am in complete shock however coping and healing domestic violence is a very ugly disease in itself it's way worse when you abuser have accomplices abuse of power organize domestic violence being a survivor of domestic abuse and a survivor of being a confidential human source coping with traumatic events my severe trauma my triggers are indeed my stalker craves to be me exploiting my pain my pain and suffering entices her arouses her to cause me harm forces me to relive traumatic events for gain as if I'm a puppet show in Puglia Italy I am so thankful I fled I am blessed drained because I can shall never fall asleep and not see smell taste the blood in the corner of my mouth I still peek out my window for my fatal attraction My extreme stalker and Mr. Johnny Jay Walker

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 1/13/2024 1:27:00 PM
That is a traumatic life and thanks you for sharing this part of your life. It can not be easy to recount all this pain. Blessing and glad it is in your past. love phyl
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Nicholsen Avatar
Yolanda Nicholsen
Date: 1/14/2024 7:19:00 AM
Thank you so much sweetie many blessings.
Date: 1/9/2024 1:09:00 PM
Quite a traumatic account here, is it lived wholly? Or just in parts Yolanda.? If any of it is right, is reads as a harrowing Time..All the best and blessngs.'
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Nicholsen Avatar
Yolanda Nicholsen
Date: 1/10/2024 1:00:00 PM
Thank you so much Joe Yes Yes always Holy woman of God many blessings to you.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry