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My Spirit Guides

They travel with me in my dreams After the body relaxes into full REM She knows not about them, but the mind does The soul feeds off of them It is our way to get replenished So we can face the demons of the next day There are many, but I am only fully aware of two Little Wolf, my little boy angel of fifty years, of course. He appeared when I was around ten. Together we built orphanages, and dog and cat sanctuaries For a whole year from when I was ten to eleven. I could not wait to go to sleep to add on to our compound. Little Wolf comes to me when I feel the need to be creative. I do not see his form like I once did, but my soul recognizes his energy. When he is around, I feel safe, cherished, totally able to do my best. He is probably my oldest recognizable angel. There is Shouting man; he likes this name. Laughs when he hears it. He shows himself through shouts. “STOP! STOP! STOOOOOOOOPPPPPP!” I used to ignore him, thinking I was crazy. Four car wrecks later I listen. He has saved my life at least five times. In 1981 he was insisting I stop and I slammed on the brakes. For no reason. The guy behind me gave me the horn, the bird, the gestures. A second later a car ran the light; and hit two cars (who had gone around bird guy and me). I stopped to help the police as a witness. “Let me get this straight, you stopped for no reason,” The policeman said. I nodded happily. “Why?” When I told him, he said “you may go,” not wanting my testimony. I guess he thought I would not be a great witness in court. When you hear and see angels, people treat you like this. “Thanks a lot Shouting Man,” I said. He snickered.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 2/6/2021 6:35:00 PM
I only have one Sprit Guide. She is gorgeous. She dresses in all white leather and is of Indian origin. She told me her name. I could never have made up that name. I used to contact her regularly. Fascinating poem Pangie
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Caren Krutsinger
Date: 2/7/2021 6:46:00 AM
Thank you Pangie. Maybe you are not ready to meet the others yet....
Date: 2/6/2021 12:26:00 PM
Whatever works for you, take care,
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Caren Krutsinger
Date: 2/6/2021 2:47:00 PM
You too
Date: 2/6/2021 1:55:00 AM
Love your sprit guide and poetry, Stay Safe Caren.
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Caren Krutsinger
Date: 2/6/2021 8:11:00 AM
Thank you Harry
Date: 2/5/2021 8:46:00 PM
Wow! That’s interesting!
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Caren Krutsinger
Date: 2/6/2021 8:11:00 AM
Thank you

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