My Snow White Catie Lindsey
Angel of mourning soup
Angel of mourning
Who gives birth to fresh morning dew who
helped me pursue who showed me the light
when I was lost for clues in times of blues
Angel of assistance
From were did you fall
From heaven?
From where did you fall
From where did you
hear my call
I wanted to say thank you
that's all
that's all
You are the fairest of
them all and you don't
need to ask the damn
mirror on the wall.
You helped me build the ladder of saul but the others
couldn't help because they couldn't speak our language
at all and so if I ever fall I know you will be there to
pick me up like a pen like a friend I wish I can give
you the sun but I am young enough to be your son
so I give to you the stars of friendship ,I can feel your
breeze its it make me want to fall to my knees and never
cease to rain my gratification on your being because what
I have been seeing is a lending hand when many ran I
guess that's what separates a rock from a grain of sand
size of heart so were should I start.
Let me fill your shopping cart with the immensity
of this poem so when you get to the cash register
of heavens doorway you can show em your appreciated
hearts receipt you have given more than I can take
you have dotted my I's and crossed my t's you are the
rain to my tree the beautiful shells in my sea the form
of my key the correction and assistance of me the blue jay
at dawn singing to me the heat to my tea the caps for my
knee you are the back up stinger of this bee so tell me
honey what you see because I see the better half of me
may our friendship never cease catie please you are the
cat and I am the flea don't you ever scratch me because
friends tolerate the most annoying things of each other so
let the itch be any way I don't think the vet's can separate
you and me there's just to much chemistry.
Angel of assistance
From were did you fall
From heaven?
From where did you fall
from where did you
hear my call
I wanted to say thank you
that's all
that's all
You are the fairest
of them all and you
don't need to ask the
damn mirror on the wall.
I will take the poison apple out
of your hand and take the fall
You are the fairest
of them all and you
don't need to ask the
damn mirror on the wall.
Copyright © Elliott Bowe The Drunken Poet | Year Posted 2012
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