My Prayer
My Prayer
Free Verse
Almighty Father, In bended knees I come before You
With open heart I beseech unto You
Hearken to my prayer I beg of You
Bless Thy people in our sorrows and woes.
The whole Earth is now in grief
Because of the disease that is now pandemic
We are engulf by fear and confusion
Some are sad for the loss of their loved-ones.
We can't even go to Church
To pray and ask for Thy help
Authorities are giving us warning and protocols
Not to go out so not to be infected by this curse.
Father, my children and grandchildren
Are all out of my sight
I can't protect them because of the distance
I commend to You Father, please protect their lives.
Someday we will be together again
In praying and our duties we fulfill
So once again to You I appeal
Please embrace them with Your love and care.
Copyright © Ernilando Tugaff | Year Posted 2022
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