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My Pickup Truck

(song lyrics) Verse 1: Now I can’t go fishin’, ‘cuz ya’ sold my rod and reel Can’t go snow-racin’, ‘cuz ya’ sold my snowmobile And I got flaws - that’s for sure - and sometimes run amuck But the final straw that I can’t take: Ya’ sold my pickup truck Chorus: You can burn the house, shoot my dog and stomp my ol’ guitar But when you sold my pickup truck, well, Honey, ya’ went too far Verse 2: I didn’t care when ya’ bought that stuff on TV’s QVC Or ‘cause ya’ always thought of me as your private Money Tree Or catalog-orderin’ ever’thing from within ol’ Sears Roebuck But I’ll be danged if I’ll sit still since ya’ sold my pickup truck! Chorus: You can burn the house, shoot my dog and stomp my ol’ guitar But when you sold my pickup truck, well, Honey, ya’ went too far Verse 3: So I went and saw a gypsy gal, and a curse on you imposed To put sand in your chewin' gum and runners in your panty hose And all your clothes and accessories to never, ever match And chiggers in your bed sheets - so you’ll always have to scratch! Chorus: You can burn the house, shoot my dog and stomp my ol’ guitar But when you sold my pickup truck, well, Honey, ya’ went too far Verse 4: I seen ya’ last Saturday night at Bubba’s Bar and Grill The image of you in stripes and checks remains within me still And them red chigger welts upon your nose and face Tells me that the gypsy curse is workin’ ever’ place! Chorus: You can burn the house, shoot my dog and stomp my ol’ guitar But when you sold my pickup truck, well, Honey, ya’ went too far

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 11/1/2014 3:00:00 PM
This one reminds me of an old guy I knew in the logging bush. We were daydreaming about what we would spend lottery winnings on because the lotto was high. Well, everyone had their say while he sat lookin thoughtful. Finally he says- You know, if I won that lotto, I don't care what the old lady says, I'd get Brand new fenders for the ford.
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Jack Clark
Date: 11/1/2014 3:22:00 PM
HA! Truly spoken by an honest man! Love the story, Dan. Thank you for sharing it. Jack C
Date: 6/27/2014 6:50:00 AM
Ya, you can only take so much, Jack. Got revenge, but, still no truck. How can I get ahold of this gypsy gal. Fun to read my friend.... Robert.
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Jack Clark
Date: 6/27/2014 8:48:00 AM
Thank you, Robert! Guess that Gypsy Gal is someone to know - (for emergency revenge needs! HA!) Glad you liked it. Jack C
Date: 6/1/2014 12:57:00 PM
Good stuff. I haven't heard the term "Chiggers" in a while. I used to get'em on me when I was a kid in Tennessee.... Good lyric, I enjoyed it very much....LJ
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Date: 5/28/2014 7:41:00 AM
Omg! Jack, brain fart.. It is Earl Dibbles Jr. Google him or like him on fb and you can send him a message... I tried to send him your lyrics but no go.. Think you have to do it.. Good Luck!!!
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Jack Clark
Date: 5/28/2014 8:24:00 AM
I, unfortunately, am not a member of fb, Arlene (had too many computer viruses come through that portal - last one cost me over $330 to rectify!) I'll try to google him tho' ... and I really thank you for tryin'. Jack C.
Date: 5/28/2014 6:18:00 AM
Jack, I get his posts on fb... I will try to get you info.. This is right up his alley!...
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Jack Clark
Date: 5/28/2014 6:48:00 AM
For real ...??? That'd be GREAT, Arlene! Thanks a bazillion! Jack C
Date: 5/28/2014 5:54:00 AM
You should send this to Joe Dibble... He would absolutely record it lol.. I thought I had grown as a person not to seek revenge, but the last verse makes me long for it's sweet taste!!... Keep em coming my friend.. Arlene
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Jack Clark
Date: 5/28/2014 6:11:00 AM
Hey, Your Arlene-ness ... if I knew how to contact Joe Dibble ... I WOULD send it to him! Glad ya' liked it ... Jack C

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