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My Other World

I don't know what I am supposed to write But I'll write something Do you know if you are in love? No my friend You'd never know if you are in love Only know if you are not in love Why don't you know if you are in love? Because for one, you'd go crazy act crazy, think crazy Unless you are all that Then it's too late for you You'd be crazy Why don't I know if I am in love? Is it because 1) I 'd never know what love is and have not experienced it 2) I've been through it before and don't want to experience again 3) I am in denial Lol whatever the case I don't want to know it It wants it hit me like a ton of bricks Sweep me like torrential rain And slide me off to an unknown sphere Where I don't know, don't feel And just do Is it too much to ask? Probably as you know You are going to feel it experience it, taste it It's in you part of you It's the weirdest feeling strangest sensation make you do dumb things think some off the wall thoughts Be as exceptionally kind All for what - for that one person Ahh he doesn't deserve it Does he? You think so For what? You haven't figured out yet But yeah you know Or do you? I can just see him like he is in front of me in the rapture of my mind You - why did you take so long? For you to suddenly be here Am ready for you My other world

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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