My Only Dream
My only dream
I took this dream
that I found at the border
Painted it black,
much more easy to hide
Went to a shadow,
just sitting there waiting
Wished it farewell
and then slipped it inside
Went on my way
knowing something was missing
Looked for a song
that would tend to my heart
Whistled along,
out of tune with my feelings
Hoping I'd see
a new place I could start
It didn't work
it was all I was thinking
Turned back around
slowly headed for home
Took the spare key
that you sent in a letter
Opened the lock,
there was nowhere to roam
Turned on a light
found the shadow was missing
Tried not to look
or at least it might seem
There on the floor
it was patiently waiting
I know you will always
be my only dream
Copyright © Chris Green | Year Posted 2020
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