My Mother In Laws House
Never had I embraced an officious abode as religiously before
But this striking red and white interior I started to adore
If I was out on a run and needed to use the loo
I’d stop by and relieve myself with no urgency to remove my shoe
Nested on the second floor and fairly warm during the cold
Drizzles off my head and from my eyes, it did hold
I have been offered a variety of sandwiches there
And sweet smiles and embraces by my snug caramelized bear
In the Fijian vicinity the British Big Ben would sound
Despite the degree of my insanity, my heart in tranquillity would pound
Last month when I stopped to say ‘hello’, at my mother-in-law’s house
The security guard enquired if I was the ex-owner’s spouse!
I stood speechless as in that relationship; we had no commitment
I then went to my mother’s home and painted it with an imitation ruby and snow, forfeiting a tenderly futile hunt.
Copyright © Rohini Balram | Year Posted 2018
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