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My Mother

She taught me the Lord's Prayer, leading me to the knowledge of God. Very accepting and non-judgmental, my mother always supported and believed in me. She never put me down or made me feel little or less. I never heard her speak ill will of anyone. One of my mother's greatest gifts was having her mother come live with us. Like my mother, our grandmother was indeed a pearl of great price. And the love from our grandmother was priceless. Mother did not weep over spilled milk, but would quickly wipe it up and pour another glass. She knew how and when to let go and move on. She was very warm, kind, most encouraging, and mother was very free to give a compliment when needed. Daddy passed away when mother was only 35; and she was left with 11 minor children. Refusing to have us separated from her, mother did not accept the kind offers by relatives to assist her in raising us kids. Mother refused to have us separate from her. Under the circumstances, her decision seemed unwise, but her faith and confidence were strong and genuine. I am happy and proud of my mother who knew, even in very difficult times, what was best for her children. For 49 years, I was blessed with one jewel of a mother. Our youngest sister is most like my mother in many ways, and I love to tell her so.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 3/10/2024 8:51:00 AM
This is a lovely reflection of your wonderful mum and having her around for 49 years is a blessing indeed.. It is Mother's Day here in the UK, so I thought it would be nice to feature mum related poems.. Congratulations on your placement in the contest..
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