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My Morning Ritual

5:30 am...I hit the snooze To turn off the obnoxious sound All I do is delay The morning melee As the sound rolls back around Quarter till six I remove all the sticks From my eyes also known as sleep My feet hit the floor As mutts scratch on my door A reminder of what's to be My four furry friends at once all descend As I open my bedroom door I make my way through The mine field I knew My dogs strategically placed out the night before I open the back as they all attack Their imaginary foe Like a bunch of banshees They let out their wild screams If I can't sleep why should my neighbors next door As I stand in the dark with one last high pitched bark Contemplating the sanity I lack We go back inside A slight tear in my eye To get ready for work where it is I go to relax

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 1/4/2018 10:20:00 PM
Very well done, Mike - congratulations on your Honorable Mention, and Happy New Year, my friend! :-)
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Hauser  Avatar
Mike Hauser
Date: 1/4/2018 11:00:00 PM
I had no idea... Thanks!
Date: 1/2/2018 9:10:00 AM
Love your humour. Well done, Mike.
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Hauser  Avatar
Mike Hauser
Date: 1/4/2018 11:00:00 PM
Thank you
Date: 8/23/2016 10:52:00 AM
I remember it well, Mike. 4 furry friends, nice! Enjoyed the read. Thanks for the smiles.
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Date: 8/23/2016 8:48:00 AM
Wow, you have 4 mutts, I have 3 and feed and army of cats!:) Nice poem about your mornings and how you can finally "relax" at your job!:)
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