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My Medical Nightmare Chapter Two

I starved myself, I couldn't have a drink, From 9am onwards, I was brought to the brink. Got the one thirty tram to Eccles, it took a bloody hour, Then a taxi ride to the hospital, I was running low on power. I checked in at reception, it was two forty five, I was weary by then, I hardly felt alive. The physio saw me first, so I'd understand, She thrust a pair of crutches, into my waiting hands, She showed me how to use them, first was a flight of stairs, She didn't hold the doors for me, it was as if she didn't care. She wrote my initials on them, then took them to the ward, They'd be waiting for me, once I was back on board. She came back with a sheet, with my exercises on, Told me to start them the next day, then she was gone. No explanation or demonstrations, just this paper of black and white, Oh my word I thought, that really is not right. Then I sat there answering questions, with a lovely nurse, I was bloody hungry, also parched with thirst. Two hours later, the doctor came to say, You can go home, your operation's not today. So what a complete and utter, waste of my time, I feel like I've been the victim, of a terrible crime. Now I have to sit and wait, until they get in touch. It really is, too bloody much. So now I'm back in work, when I should be on the sick, Because someone can't do their job, are they blooming thick?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 10/29/2016 3:01:00 PM
Oh my word - well written - that sure is a nightmare!
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Roberts Avatar
Kay Roberts
Date: 10/29/2016 3:22:00 PM
It was Heidi, however after 2 weeks of waiting, my nightmare is coming to an end..... Just the recuperation and physio to go through now. Then in two weeks time I'm off to Vegas and San Francisco with my Husband for our 25th Wedding Anniversary. Now that's something worth looking forward to :)

Book: Reflection on the Important Things