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My Many Dreams

My Many Dreams While writing a poem will often pause Wondering if there is a Santa Claus Who on sleigh rides through the air Would be quite cold if body was bare. So first find clothes and put them on Middle of night before early next dawn In his big bag he has to secure and hide Toys so safely down chimney can slide. Everyone's spirits Santa seems to uplift When he gives all of them a great gift Often I might appear to be tongue-tied In my many dreams toys were all inside. James Thomas Horn Retired Veteran Might be quite a bit off season of course.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 6/22/2014 7:36:00 AM
You brought back a jolt of Christmas season there, James. For a moment I was back in time, lol. Awesome. Did you mean the toys were inside your house? hehe
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