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My Love/My Enemy

She's so kind to me, Everything she does for free, And I love her so endearingly. Potentially, the perfect place to be. But she has become my sworn enemy, Protecting myself from me, And just when I need a little energy, She ruthlessly denies it to me. Is this such a common quandary? It fell upon me naturally. But how could this really be Was I just to blind to see? Can you really see me down upon my knee? When I'm making you want to run and flee? And I just don't agree, Can't you see? Interestingly, apparently optionally But definitely consequentially. She's making me feel like I'm behaving appallingly, For she is crying hysterically right next to me. And it's causing us pain both physically and mentally. So we resolve to solve this with common sense, intelligently, But common sense is an accident and we're acting accordingly. She's the air that I breathe, But we're both living in purgatory. And by the way, I don't own a rhyming dictionary, I haven't done that, it's all just happened to me.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2006

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