My Lola Beans
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4 little paws, how fast they grow.
Loyalty and love, she always shows.
God's greatest gift, for us to share.
She's thick and wide, with short black hair.
She will eat her toys, your shoes beware.
I love how she plays, and wiggles with care.
She's been known to find a midnight snack.
Any food on the counter, she'll surely attack.
She always shows love, and never complains.
She's now grown up with a sizeable frame.
110 pounds of attitude and charm.
She runs and plays out on the farm.
She loves all of God's creatures, both big and small.
She's my sweetie pie, and loved by all.
My close friend and companion, forever be.
I love my dog, my Lola Beans.
*my companion and close friend that never complains poetry contest*
Copyright © Mark Koplin | Year Posted 2020
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