My Life As Poetry
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"My Life as Poetry"
When the Lotus Eaters at Loon Junction barked
I ignored their confused chicanery
closed the gates behind me
I dropped one tear
in your sedentary ocean
it contained a lifetime
the salt was wasted
on your dead sea
and I used it to flavour
my life as poetry
(LadyLabyrinth / 2021)
klb, mlb
(the others don't matter)
"When I Grow Up" / Fever Ray
"When I grow up
I want to be a forester
Run through the moss on high heels
That's what I'll do
Throwing out a boomerang
Waiting for it to come back to me...
I put my soul into what I do"
LYRICS - "When I Grow Up"/ Fever Ray
Copyright © Lady Labyrinth | Year Posted 2021
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