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My Life As a Spiritual Seeker

My life as a spiritual seeker I am a bless child, A spiritual seeker, I live my life with gratitude and appreciation for humanity, all manner of life is precious. I embrace the good, bad and ugly that is part of being human, we are all capable of doing evil things, the creator gave us free will to make a choice, on which path that we will follow. Everyday I make a conscious choice to take full responsibility for my words and actions, stop look and listen moving forward with the truth and the courage of my convictions, with love and services for my fellow man and woman. We are all on a spiritual journey, to find our true selves which leads us to the creator and our spiritual community. A spiritual seeker is known by their sweet words and their telling of the truth, which is an offence to those who do not want to hear it, followed by their good deeds, virtues and services to others. Beware of the person who's sweet words blind you to their greed and dangerous corrupt deeds. The human race has lost its way, we have become computerized, bionictized and metatized. We do not connect with one another in a spiritual or human way any more We are losing our ability to think for ourselves with our conscious mind We are out of balance with the creator, but by the grace of the creator and spiritual seekers world wide sending out prayers every second that humanity and this planet survives. A spiritual seeker embraces all persons beliefs, knowing that love is the common goal, there is but one creator, who created all things and love is the key. I have had the privilege and honour on my life's journey to sit at the feet of Sathia Sai Baba, in his ashram in India, spent time in the Canadian mountains with a native Shaman, time in the jungles of Costa Rica with a native Shaman my greatest joy was spending many years in the company of my good friend His Eminence Abuna Yesehaq Mandefro, Archbishop of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, in the western hemisphere and South Africa, everyone of these spiritual teachers that I have traveled to came to me in recurring dreams over several months and years, before I found the courage to go and seek them, not one of them tried to convert me to their beliefs, they all welcomed me as a child of God. I do not go any place unless the spirit guides to that place or person I am a spiritual seeker

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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