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My Kingdom For a Queen

I’m living in a world with a sky that has no sun The oceans have no waters and time has not begun There are no hills or valleys No grasses and no trees There are no colors in the sky, the flowers or the leaves There are no stars or moon at night to guide me on my way There is nothing in this world of mine that brings me joy today But still I am so hopeful one day you’ll step inside Let me to take you by the hand and I will be your loving guide I’ll show you all the marvels of this world in which I live A world that’s filled with wonders and has so much to give The flowers are all so beautiful the colors vibrant and bright you’ve never seen a moon like the one we have at night The stars shine just like diamonds And I’ll give them all to you The roses are so beautiful we have red white and blue The mountains all have snowcaps the valleys grasses green in this world I’m the king and you will be my queen Darrell Written for my friend who’s world changed with the arrival of his queen

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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