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My Keeper

The Lord is my keeper, He watches over me. He keeps me safe, In my going out, and my coming in. He keeps me safe From Satan's grasp. Without His watchful eye I may stray from the way. I pray He guides me always. Until I finally arrive home, To be in His presence forever. Amen.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 7/12/2020 2:57:00 PM
What is the very essence of faith, but belief, and trust, in our Creator, or; in? What is the consistent and continuing admiration, of our Creator's Love, and faith in any of us; but just what we are all moved to support; as we surrender this effort away before our Creator, before all life? What is this effort apart from our Creator, but a consistent and continuing, distrust, all lead by the edification, of ourselves, placed far above this "Power", even if this is, albeit, but, merely once?
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Dave Timperley
Date: 7/12/2020 3:59:00 PM
My faith is my trust in Fathers love for me. He leads and I follow knowing my path is well guarded at all times. Thank you for your comments, James, I shall ponder them. Blessings. D.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry