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My Hair

My hair is long and strong. No gray yet, won't be I bet For quite a while as I smile. I wear pony tails and braids. I used to dye it different shades. Now it's natural medium brown. Liked being a blond, but no frown. Is better to be what I'm meant to Be, just the way God made me. You See it's unusual to have blue eyes, Brown of the earth, blue of the skies. Years ago I had very, very long hair. Letting it keep growing, not a stare At my braids and pony tails, I like it. I wear it down too or just put in clip.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 3/6/2010 10:10:00 AM
A woman's hair is her glory, the bible says. But what of men, as hair grows thin, where does his glory begin, is it because of sin, the hair grows thin.Smile, Agape, bless, Moses
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Date: 2/27/2010 5:58:00 PM
Thats funny sounds like hair problem...Glad you found the answer...I cut mine shoulder length, so I won't deal much with it...
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