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My God, Thank You For Bestowing To Me Your Gift

November 5 Scripture Meditations Based on 1Corinthians 12-14 Key Verse – 1Corinthians 12:4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
MY GOD, THANK YOU FOR BESTOWING TO ME YOUR GIFT Thank You for bestowing to me Your gift of biblical understanding For my Scriptures’ wisdom midst knowledge now trending In studying Your Word toward truthful comprehending Ultimately enlightening me against sinfulness’ blinding. Thank You for bestowing to me Your gift of eternal salvation For my spirit’s quickening midst iniquity-condemnation In trusting Your grace toward genuine regeneration Ultimately transforming me against personality’s dysfunction. Thank You for bestowing to me Your gift of ministerial performance For my faith’s empowerment midst selfishness and arrogance In working for Your glory toward worshipful attendance Ultimately encouraging me against slothfulness’ endurance. Thank You for bestowing to me Your gift of productive bountifulness For my provisions’ supply midst crises causing bitterness In seeking Your will toward fruitful faithfulness Ultimately guiding me against complaints’ unhappiness. Thank You for bestowing to me Your gift of blessed contentment For my satisfaction’s sufficiency midst poverty-detriment In abiding in Your presence toward divine fulfillment Ultimately fellowshipping with me against worldliness’ allurement. Thank You for bestowing to me Your gift of great revival For my stewardship’s impact midst advancement-upheaval In exalting Your name toward heavenly approval Ultimately blessing me against greediness’ interval. Thank You for bestowing to me Your gift of victorious delight For my services’ effectiveness midst hardships of trying height In obeying Your commands toward prayerful plight Ultimately accompanying me against temptations’ might.
November 5, 2022

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 11/5/2022 8:26:00 PM
So blessed to read your beautiful and heartwarming prayer-poem of thanksgiving my dear friend Beata. My heart rejoices in gratitude to HIM for this given opportunity for me to read from you again. Thanks a lot for gracing me/us with your exceptional talents to share God's words and love through your stellar poems. May God bless you always and your writings. Hugs
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Date: 11/5/2022 6:36:00 AM
Amen, all praise to him, I love how you keep him and allow him to direct you each day, I see it in your writing, giving him praise each day, love it
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