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My Friends

They help me through my highs and lows, And I tell them all my secrets, Even if we sometimes get in rows, We always make up, We laugh at funny memories, And cringe at embarrassing ones, We share the same enemies, A.K.A people we don't like, Every single friend has a special place in my heart, As my friends I made in year 7, And if I ever lost one, in my heart would stay a dart, Of sadness and depression.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 9/10/2023 3:02:00 AM
This is such a lovely poem Phoenix that conveys beautifully how much special friends mean and the great significance they have in our hearts/lives. I really enjoyed reading it. Thank you for sharing. Have a lovely day.
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Bird Avatar
Fire Bird
Date: 9/10/2023 6:56:00 PM
Hi Christina, thank you, my friends mean the world to me.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things